Shrewsbury Point 2 Point 10K 2025

Upton Magna to Shrewsbury
One of the UK's fastest 10K routes returns in 2025!
The previous 3 years Races saw high numbers of participants smash their PB's along this beautiful route.
Starting up in the village of Upton Magna the race begins with a long stretch of down hill before joining the flat canal and riverside paths to the Quarry Park in Shrewsbury Town Centre.
This unique course is not only fast but also take in some beautiful scenary along the way.
Whats Included:
- Professional chip timing on an offically measured and verified course.
- All finishers will recieve a special bespoke medal made from locally sourced wood and a Technical Running T shirt (additional charge).
- A chargable bus service is available to the startline from Shrewsbury Town Centre. Buses can be booked at time of entry. There is also a free bag transfer service from the start line to the finish line.
For further information or to BOOK your space and represent the 4 All Foundation, please email