London to Paris Cycle Ride 2025
London to Paris Bike Ride – cycling 275 miles from one iconic city to another, all in four days. It’s a wonderful feeling heading down the Champs Elysees on the final stretch with the Eiffel Tower looming ahead! This is a fantastic group cycling experience, whether individually, with friends or whilst raising money for charity.
Do you transport our bicycles back to London?
Yes. On the final evening we travel back to London with your bicycles, we ask that guests keep non bike luggage for their own journey. We will meet you off your Eurostar train at St Pancras station at the rear of the Francis Crick institute
Will we have time to explore Paris?
Yes. On the final day you will have the opportunity to explore Paris before getting the Eurostar back to London in the afternoon.
What time is the ferry to Dieppe on day 1?
We get the 18:10 ferry with the aim of arriving in to Dover at least an hour before. We will work with the group on this to ensure everyone gets there on time - it is our stressor, not yours!!
What time do we start riding?
Apart from the first day we start between 9am and 9.45am. We tend to ask the faster riders to set off later so that everyone arrives to lunch at a similar time.
What is the typical average speed?
There is not really an average speed as there are so many variables over the trip. As a minimum if you can ride comfortable at 12mph/20kph on the flat then you will be fine.
Where are bikes stored overnight?
In your rooms or secure areas at your hotel overnight - this varies from place to place. We do recommend you still bring a lock for your own peace of mind.
What time do we get back to London on the final day?
You will receive a final email before the start of your trip with a final timetable, however arrival back into London is normally between 4pm and 6pm.
What breaks do we have throughout the day?
There is no set pattern to this as it depends upon the route we take and what towns we pass through when. We tend to suggest that riders get a good 2 hour block of riding in for a first stint and then typically riders will stop for a coffee/lunch/snack every 90 minutes thereafter. Again these are very general guidelines as riders will stop more if it is very hilly or hot, and we will often have a vehicle at the top of any longer ascents.
Do we need any navigation systems or apps?
Yes, we recommend all riders have a GPS unit or mobile phone for navigation. Whilst we have a support vehicle and rider on the road, it is important each person knows where they are going as groups can get quite strung out and we do not use arrows or signs en route. We will send all GPX files at least 2 weeks before departure.
Can I join up as a single person and pay extra to have my own room?
Yes. The single room supplement for the London to Paris ride varies, but is typically £32 per night.
Can I stay in Paris for extra time at the end of the trip?
Yes staying in Paris after the trip has ended is not a problem, however we just need to arrange how you'll get our bike and luggage back to the UK. We can also work with you to get the best hotel rates and advise on logistics.
Where does the trip start and end?
The start point is typically Tower Bridge or Greenwich Park and this is agreed with the group well in advance of the ride date. The ride ends at your hotel after you have had picture opportunities at the Eiffel Tower. The official trip finish is when you collect your bike on the final day.
Can we hire bicycles for the ride?
Whilst we don't rent bicycles, On Your Bike ( has a selection of bicycles of all standards and are based near London Bridge.
What sort of roads do we cycle on and is it busy?
Whilst we try to take less busy roads, there are some busier sections, particularly on Day 1 and through Paris. We try to take roads that are less busy and this includes the odd French farm track, we also try to take in any local points of interest or historical relevance. In short we try and plot the most enjoyable and safe route possible.
What is the normal group size?
Group sizes tend to be between 10 - 20 riders, but can be as much as 50. On the road we recommend that groups do not exceed 8 riders with 6 being the optimal group to ride in.
If I am bit slower will I get left behind at all?
No, we try and make sure no one is left unsupported, although riders may find themselves riding alone at some points. We actually find people enjoy cycling alone at times, but we tryt and cater for each individual rather than make rules which can compromise the enjoyment of others.
Is there a support vehicle behind?
The support vehicle will not be with the group at all time but in the event that someone feels the need to have a break or decides not to cycle any further, we will arrange a pickup in the support vehicle. We are often around the group, and will almost certainly be at the top of any climbs en route to offer support and take pictures of you mid gurn ;)
Is it generally quite a safe route?
We aim to cycle on back roads with less traffic but inevitably we do encounter traffic, particularly when leaving London and entering Paris. All cyclists ride at their own risk and must abide to the laws of the road at all times.
Do most people wear clip on pedals. I don't have these at the moment.
It is not a prerequisite for you to ride with clipped in pedals but if you do choose to do so, please ensure that you have practiced riding with them in built up areas and have experience stopping and starting at traffic lights and roundabouts.
What type of bike is most suitable for this ride? I currently ride a hybrid bike, is this suitable?
We generally recommend a road bike. However, a hybrid bike or gravel bike would also be fine. We would probably suggest not riding tyres with significant tread nor much wider than 35mm to make sure your rolling speed allows you spin along comfortably on all terrain.
Can I book with a friend?
Yes no problem about booking with a friend, you can either book together as a 'group' and pay one deposit for both of you, or alternatively book separately and ensure you state on your booking form that you're friends and wish to share together. There is a 'Room Share Preference' on one of our follow up forms.
Will we be passing through villages to top up water if needed?
We have water top ups available from the van at multiple points throughout the day and we pass through villages quite regularly on the ride.
Will the support bus catch up with us at lunch time? If so, can we access our bags (eg if the weather turns etc)?
Yes the support van will be at lunch and at some other breaks.
Do we cycle as a single peloton or break into groups depending on speed/ability?
We break into smaller groups - this is an organic process rather than heavily managed.
Where will bikes be stored during the ferry crossing?
They are stored at the front of the car loading area in a bicycle-designated location. You may wish to lock your bike on the crossing, though generally they are just lent against the side of the deck (inside) and then bikes are let off first.